FREE Kindergarten Centers for January
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January is such a fun month in kindergarten!
Be sure to visit my January homepage after you print your FREE centers.

I am so excited to be posting FREE January centers you can use in your pre-k, kindergarten or 1st grade classroom!
If you’re already part of our KMKB freebie library, CLICK HERE to enter your password and print these centers.
I hope you enjoy these activities as much as we do!
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This is a fun way to expose kiddos to January themed vocabulary words.
I print and laminate the color cards so students can practice tracing the words and filling in the spelling boxes.
Then they can record the words on their recording sheets!
There are two recording sheets and nine vocabulary cards (3 pages.)
This is an easy and fun center with little prep for you!
This center is great for practicing sight words!
Each month, I teach my students six new sight words.
Simply print and laminate the sight word flashcards, and I have partners start by quizzing each other.
Each partner gets a recording sheet.
Students take turns rolling the dice and tracing the correct sight word.
If they roll the number and that word has been filled, they lose a turn.
The first person to fill their recording sheet up wins!
For more practice with sight words, visit my Sight Word Homepage HERE.
Are your kiddos rocking and rolling with their CVC words right now?!
We are loving this center!
Simply cut out the snowmen and snowflake words.
Students match the pictures to the words.
Then, they find the corresponding picture on their recording sheet and spell out the word.
My students love to complete this center with a partner. Students get to practice 20 CVC words with this one center!
Print 5 FREE CVC stories on THIS blog post.
This center is a fun way to practice number recognition and counting.
You can easily differentiate as well if students need practice with numbers 1-6 or if others are ready to use two dice and practice numbers 1-12.
Just print and laminate the boards!
Give students counters/beans/snowflake counters (anything to cover to snowflake) and dice.
They roll and cover the correct number.
Whoever covers more snowflakes wins!
Players lose a turn if they roll a number that has already been filled up.
Visit my Math Homepage HERE to see how I teach math!
Snowman Sums of 5 Game
My kids beg me to play this, as it is similar to Go Fish.
Play this game enough times and your students will be fluently adding within 5 in NO TIME!
I print and laminate the snowman cards reminding students how to make 5.
It is a helpful anchor chart to display for them while they are playing.
Then print, and cut apart the number cards - laminate for durability if you wish!
Each student holds 1-3 cards (I start with one and build up to three in their hand at a time)
They take turns asking each other for the number they need to make five.
If a student asks and their partner doesn't have the card, the student takes a card from the snow pile (other cards facing down.)
If a student receives the card that they asked for, they get to lay it down face up and earn a point!
Red/yellow counter chips are perfect for using with this game because one child can be yellow and one child can be red.
It is easy of them to count once the game board is filled up to see who wins!
I play with my students until they get the hang of it. You will have so much fun practicing sums of five!
Snowman Numbers & Counting
This is an easy (and very little prep) center for you to set up!
I have students cut out the numbers and they glue them in order on a sentence strip.
This can actually make two centers and they can do 1-10 or practice teen numbers with 11-20.
With the two blank snowman, I challenge my students to write the next two numbers in order.
These centers are FREE in my EXCLUSIVE LIBRARY!
Simply type your email address at the top of the page and I will send you the link and password right away.
Inside my freebie library, you’ll be able to instantly access over 40 FREE activities… including these January centers!
I even share my lesson plans for free.

Try freebies from every single unit and print my free lesson January lesson plans!