Teaching sight words can be so much fun!
I use these activities to teach 25 sight words each quarter, so by the end of the school year students have mastered Fry’s first 100 words.
We complete these activities together for the first few weeks of school, and then most can become independent seat work or completed in literacy centers.
Students thrive on this routine, and I love that I do not have to give directions every week.
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“This set is amazing! I buy everything she makes!
Everything is always so colorful and spot on for the focused skill.”
- Mandy R.
Sight word resources I use:
flash cards
coloring pages
cut and paste activities
tracing and writing
fluency practice
assessments… and more!
“I love the repetition of using all three of these resources together! My Kinders LOVE their routines and this fits in perfectly with ours. Thank you”
Students can master words quickly and efficiently using the resources shown below.
Click each resource picture below to watch a video and purchase on TPT.
These ten standards-based resources coordinate together to ensure students master each new word they learn!
You’ll absolutely love how these activities provide scaffolding for students and how organized they are for you.
Students love learning new words using these ten activities:
I am going to show you how to use these resources so you can easily teach your students 100 sight words.
Be sure to read through this blog post and watch the videos so you know how to successfully implement these resources!
I also have two money saving sight word bundles available:
Let’s learn 100 sight words!
Watch this quick video to see how introduce and teach a new word:
To help them master these sight words, here are the printables I use... keep reading to try all of these resources for FREE!
To teach a new word, I use:
Flash card
Learn to spell worksheet
Sight word build a sentence activity
Sight word fluency page
I like to keep all the activities for each word in a page protector so I can pull them out to make copies real quick!
Just copy and you're ready to teach.
Keep reading to see each activity in action.
To introduce each new word, I use these printable worksheets.
I love that this activity allows students to read, trace, spell, color and build the words (cut & paste).
After doing these a few times together, children can complete these on their own.
Students love and look forward to the routine.
Before I created these, I had seen similar worksheets around on blogs and Pinterest, but they were always so crowded with too many words on one page.
I like my students to focus on ONE new word at a time.
This is really helpful for my ELL students as well.
I really wanted one sight word on each page, so these worksheets can fit with ANY reading program.
You can teach these 100 sight words in any order you wish!
So if we changed to a new curriculum, it would be easy to reorganize these printables in a different order/unit since most programs teach similar words.
Grab the entire pack of 100 words CLICK HERE
These Sight Word Sentence Worksheets have been a game changer for understanding sight words in context and building students’ writing writing skills.
I created these to help reinforce our sight words.
These teach the exact same 100 words as my Trace, Spell, Color & Build sight word worksheets shown above.
Each page has a focus word at the top.
I wanted to create super straightforward, easy to use sight word sentences that hit everything I need them to:
sight words
CAP - Concepts About Print
fine motor skills (cutting and pasting)
and illustrating
My students always know exactly what my expectations are for these activities, so I’m not constantly re-explaining directions and what I want to see in their work.
Students trace the sentence, and this is a great opportunity to discuss starting with a capital, using finger spaces, ending with a period.
Then students can cut, match and paste the words to match the sentence.
Finally, students get to illustrate their sentence.
This is a great check for understanding!
I absolutely LOVE to see what my students draw.
Grab this resource CLICK HERE
One of the last activities that really help students master their sight words is my Sight Word Fluency Pages.
These coordinate with the exact same 100 words!
I can easily pull these fluency practice pages when I am teaching specific words.
I created these in both BW and Color versions.
I laminate the color ones to use in class (generally during small groups), and once students have been introduced to the sentences I send home the BW copies.
Parents love these and expect to see them sent home. I explain the expectations at the beginning of the year so parents know how to help at home.
Students color a star at the top of the page each time they read the sentences. You can then choose to have an incentive program (stickers, treasure box, etc.) when they bring back their completed fluency pages.
These printables are a wonderful tool for building confidence, fluency, prosody and truly helps cement these words in their reading vocabulary!
The picture clues are great for helping children identify new words in the sentences.
Grab these fluency sentences CLICK HERE
These are included in both my sight word mega bundle and my sight word mini bundle
I have added even more resources, and updated others to provide additional practice with Fry’s first 100 words.
After I teach a new word, I use these activities to have students practice them in centers or small groups.
Students absolutely love Secret Code Sight Words.
All 100 words are covered, and this makes an easy no prep literacy center for the entire school year!
Three differentiated versions are included so all students can be successful.
Another activity we love to use is coloring by sight word.
These pictures are simple so they are perfect for pre-k and kindergarten as they focus on 2-5 words at a time.
All 100 words we learn throughout the year are covered, and my FREE sight word pack has two of these for you to try!
Assess students on 100 words throughout the year and keep track of data with one easy step!
I just added find + color and sight word poems to continue practicing our 100 words.
This practice + incentive kit is so helpful to communicate with parents and stay organized.
These adorable sight word bracelets are so fun, and they are perfect for a year round literacy center.
Save money with sight word bundles!
“I loved having this as a resource. I love the activities from Keeping My Kinders Busy!”
“Wonderful resources to target sight word knowledge. I love the different activities and both reading and writing skill practice.”
OPTION #1: THE MINI BUNDLE comes with:
OPTION #2: THE MEGA BUNDLE comes with everything shown on this blog post:
I absolutely love these little leveled mini readers from scholastic.
I go through them and pair them with each sight word I am teaching.
For example, as shown above, I put the I Like Socks book in the page protector so it is ready to go when I teach the word like.
Seeing the words I am teaching in many different contexts really helps students memorize their sight words, and fast!
We absolutely love using Boom Cards to practice sight words.
I love the audio feature as it helps students be completely independent.
New to Boom Learning? CLICK HERE for FAQ and learn how to get started with your free account.
I also have a FREE winter sight word deck HERE